Submitted by myke on Thu, 11/28/2019 - 10:57
In September we went to Michigan for a Geer School reunion. Geer Elementary school was a one room Schoolhouse when my Dad went there. They had added a second room by the time my brother and I went there, but has been "restored" back to one room since then.
Submitted by myke on Thu, 11/28/2019 - 10:46
We went to Cape May in October, checked out the beach and some other Frank Lloyd Wright stuff.
Submitted by myke on Thu, 11/28/2019 - 10:46
In May we went to Chicago, toured Frank Lloyd Wright stuff.
And stayed in a hotel with Robots.
Submitted by myke on Mon, 01/28/2019 - 08:35
Anyone watching my Twitter feed (@mykevandyke, or just take a look over to the right on the main page of this site), can see I am doing the firefighter "100 reps a day" challenge (hashtag #100RepsADay). The idea is to do 100 of something (there is a list for January, I assume the one for February will be coming soon) every day -- the exercise changes every day.
The challenge comes from firefighter functional fitness (@FirefighterFFit).
Submitted by myke on Wed, 01/02/2019 - 19:15
Chris and I spent New Year's eve with our Grandson Rolin (it is also his birthday!) and his family in State College PA.
Submitted by myke on Tue, 12/25/2018 - 14:21
We celebrated Christmas at Lana and Andrew and Heath’s place. Jeanne, Jordan and Lacy also joined us for brunch and presents.
Submitted by myke on Thu, 11/22/2018 - 17:01
We had a great Thanksgiving brunch with the kids and the grand kids at Andrew and Lana's place.
I can now add "Hungry Hungry Hippos" to my resume!
Brunch included Bacon, Egg Souffle, Cranberry bars, Mimosas, and Vegan sausage.
Submitted by myke on Sun, 11/18/2018 - 12:42
For my birthday, we headed up to NYC to see Springsteen on Broadway (
I took the photo during the encore performance of "This Hard Land", when photography is permitted.
While we were in town we also climbed to the crown of the Statue of Liberty.
Submitted by myke on Thu, 07/26/2018 - 22:06
So in the past four years, Chris and I have done a lot. Apparently too much for me to have time to update this web site.
Just a few highlights:
-- Trip to Ireland last year
-- Chris is Retiring in August
-- Two new grandkids!
Submitted by myke on Sun, 07/13/2014 - 12:27
Chris and I are back from our jaunt across the pond, to London, Paris, Stratford-upon-Avon and Cardiff.
This expedition is the outgrowth of a phone call from our friend Doug, back in December. He casually asked "so, what are you doing July 2?". Turns out Chris and I didn't have plans for that day, so he followed up with "Would you like to go see Monty Python then?". When I said that sounded like a good idea, he told me how much the tickets cost. In Pounds Sterling, of course... Turns out the show was in London.